Thursday, June 18, 2009

Inspired at Work

This is my art wall at the office. Whenever I'm faced with an article that's overbearingly frustrating to copyedit, I look at this wall and daydream of being at the beach, digging my toes in the sand, feeling the warmth of the summer sun and guzzling down a bottle of ice cold San Miguel beer (Light, please!).

Clockwise from top left:
1) printout of a page scanned from British Vogue;
2) Horace the cat, which I "adopted"--rather bought for 300 pesos--from Bru;
3) pulp fiction book covers made into postcards that my boyfriend and I purchased in Seattle back in 2004;
4) my name card on which I doodled a caricature of myself; and
5) ballpen on acrylic drawing given to me by a good friend, Alan Po

The giraffe reminds of when I used to live in Nairobi, Kenya.
Oh, good times...

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